
Monday, 17 May 2010

Starting Out: Windurst (Part 1)

I have decided to start out in Windurst, because it is the least newbie friendly city out of the 3. It was also my favourite when I started out, but I was having a hard time there.

I hope I can help you out though, new to MMOs or not ^^

Let’s first have a look at the races and the benefits of starting in their assigned cities.
Mithra and Tarutaru that start in Windurst are given the Windurstian Ring: Mp+3 Agi+1 Int+1
Elvaan starting in San d’Oria are given the San d’Orian Ring: Def 2 Str+1 Mnd+1
Hume and Galka that start in Bastok are given the Bastokan Ring: Hp+3 Dex+1 Vit+1
You can start with any race in any city, but if you don’t start in their assigned city you wont be given the ring.

Mithras has high Agi and Dex making them good thiefs. Tarutaru got high MP and Int making them good Blackmages (or mages in general.)
Elvaan got high Str, Mnd and HP making them good Paladins and Whitemages, however they got low MP so keep that in mind.
Hume are the best balanced class, I guess you could see them as jack-of-all-trades race.Galkas have high Str and HP like the Elvaan, and they are considered the best melee/DD race.

Start out as a Thief (THF):
Let’s ask ourselves: What will I need playing FFXI? My answer is: Gil, equipment and means of travel. So why THF? Because you will get “treasure hunt” at 15, and the only way to get gil when starting out in FFXI is farming and selling loot.

With gil you buy equipment :p (or camp NMs but I wont be focusing on that.)

Transport in FFXI is Chocobo(lvl20), Airship(Rank 5 or pay 500,000gil), Teleport (by Whitemages(WHM), Warp (by Blackmages(BLM) and some ferry rides (about 100gil)
But the majority will be by Teleport, and you will most likely be paying for most of them.

So I will recommend, THF as a solo farming job, and change to WHM for your first party levelling job. So this is what I will focus on in the starting out tips and tricks for Windurstians.

First things first:
When first logging into FFXI you’ll get a random cutsceen that will give you a little insight on an event going on in the city (they all somewhat leads to a mission later in the game.)
Then you will be given an Adventurer Coupon to trade in for 50gil.

To find the person you are to give the coupon to open your menu and select MAP.
Once on the map, click on MARKERS, now this does not always show you anything. If the markers tab is empty click your right or left arrow button to flip the page until a name pops up. You should se a green dot on the map now, that is the person you are going to trade the coupon to.

Once at the NPC select him/her/it, and open your menu again and click TRADE. Put your coupon in one of the boxes and click ok. And there you have it, you should now have 60gil (woho…)

Get ready to go party:
So you want to go party do you? Well you wont be doing that just yet. First you need at least lvl 10 (I recommend lvl 13) and then you need equipment, spells and maps.
Lets go get some gil then shall we.

We’re going to start out by lvling our THF for loot. We could just run around killing things, but it would be a waste of time, and you wont have enough inventory space for it either.

What does Windurstians need that I the newbie can offer? Lets look at our map to see what Windurst has to offer. In Windurst Woods you can see the Boneworkers Guild, and the Weavers Guild.
In Port Windurst you can see the Fisherman’s Guild.
In Windurst Waters you will find the Culinarian’s Guild.
All those Guilds are FFXIs Crafts. To craft you need two things, crystals and items.
Crystals are easy money so that’s probably what you will be selling the most.

Lets head out and get some loot and crystals, but to get crystals to drop you need to get a Signet from an NPC. Go to Windurst Woods and head to Leviathan’s Gate (Location K-10 see picture.)

Talk to Harara, W.W. and pick the option “Would you cast a Signet on me?”
A crystal will show up in the upper left corner of the screen.
Now you are ready to go kill some monsters so head out the gate.

The first thing I will save up for is 2200 for all the windurst maps, except the Castle Oztroya one for 3000g because we wont be needing it for awhile.
Remember to equip your starter weapon before you start attacking anything.
Menu – Equipment – Weapon goes in the Main box, as a THF you will have an Onion knife.

What to kill: lvl 1-7
We will be killing Bumblebee until lvl 7, after that they pretty much stop dropping items. They drop Wind crystal, Honey and Incest wing. All of those sell for an ok price and at an ok rate. You can find Bumblebees at G/H-11/12 East Sarutabaruta.

To attack, target the Bumblebee hit enter and select Attack, it will auto attack so you don’t have to worry about doing anything at this time since you don’t have any skills. Once your weapon skill to lvl 5 you can use Wasp Sting with dagger when your TP is 100% or more. To open your Weapon Skill(WS) menu, hit Alt+W. Then at lvl 5 you’ll get the ability to steal, lets make a macro for it. Open your menu, flip it once (right or left arrow button) you should see MACROS. Select Book02 and Confirm. Fill it in like this:

(The big S in Steal is very important.) Now you can close the menu again. To use steal macro now hit Alt+1 and you will use the steal ability.

There will also drop chests. The blue chest contains temporary items that will disappear when you zone. The brown chests contains item you can have if you can guess the lock combination.

Once you hit lvl 7 you should have about 4 stack of wind crystals, almost 1 stack of honey and 1 and a half stack of Incest wings. AH the full stacks you have of those items and put the rest in you MH. Rarab tails you can sell to NPC(save 1 for a quest though) to get more money for AH fees, they wont sell on AH anyways. If you have gotten any Beastmen’s Seals I would strongly suggest saving them for later, stuff them in you MH.

Get items to sell a little faster on AH:
If you see the wind crystal sell for 700g a stack, put your up for 698 or 699, they will sell a little faster that way.

When I had sold all my stacks from killing the Bumblebees, I had earned 5900gil, and I was only lvl 7. I'm very happy with that ^^

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